Privacy Policy

Last updated: May 23, 2024

Welcome to Space Friction

Your Privacy and data safety is at the highest priority for us. We at Space Friction are strict to protect the privacy rights of our users. This page defines the way we or our partners collect, utilize, manage and store user data including personal information. This data can be provided by the user in many ways like our mobile games on either Google Play Store, Amazon, or iOS App Store. The scope of this Policy is limited to Information received or collected by Free Act Tech Game via any related Service you used. Use of the service shows that you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy, if you do not agree with the Policy please do not use the Service. Below is how we collect and use your data.

Game Data Collection

We at Free Act Tech do not intentionally store or collect any personal user data but our distribution or ad partners may collect (Depending on the requirements of the Game) user data as a log file when you download and play our games. You can ask for access and to delete your personal data by contacting directly our mentioned service partners.


We use Advertising features in our Games and other Services. Advertisers may acquire and use your personal information like Mac Address, IMEI, IP, and Geolocation for ads targeting to offer you interest-based ads. This is only used to show advertisements for your location and as per your interest. On verification of your installation expresses that such data may be shared with the advertiser.

Use of Information

We use your personal and non-personal information, both individually and in aggregate, in the following ways:

To operate our business and to enhance and personalize your game experience, including operating, improving, and developing our games and services;

Populate online leaderboards and enable online challenges; Help you find your friends or tell your friends about Space Friction products;

Facilitate sharing on social networks; Serve and measure the effectiveness of advertising; Measure the health of our services;

We do not disclose any of your information without your approval but if you agree your data can only be shared for a limited scope of use like Marketing purposes etc. Third-party sharing includes Advertisers, sponsors, business partners, publishers, etc. We use Unity 3d for game development and Ads network SDKs for advertisement purposes. All the Services and SDKs integrated have their privacy policies defined explicitly to protect the user data to a foolproof extent. You can visit them through these links;


Change in Privacy Policy Space Friction reserves the right to change the Policy at any time. The new policy change will be updated and will be effective at the time of the update. Social Media For marketing purposes, Space Friction offers you to invite or share your experience on social media networks, check your social networks for privacy preferences if you intend to share the game scores and rewards with your social circle.

Children Policy

We do not purposefully collect or use the information of our users that is under the age of 13. Please do not send your personal information like Name, email, telephone, and address. We delete the information from users of age under 13. Security We practice appropriate action to secure your data from unauthorized access and usage by third parties. Although we take solid measures to secure your data absolute security is not guaranteed though. We cannot guarantee or take any responsibility for security leaks to prevent “Hackers” to access the data illegally.

Space Friction’s Games and products may not provide all of the privacy protections discussed in this document. Your continued use of them indicates that you understand that your data may be collected by Space Friction and third-party partners and that you consent to that collection.

Space Friction cannot guarantee the integrity of versions of products that are installed from unofficial channels and does not support provide customer support or provide privacy guarantees for those unofficial versions. If you are using a version of one of our products that was installed from an unofficial channel, we encourage you to remove it from your device as soon as possible and install an officially distributed version.